Source code for gerrit_to_platform.helpers

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2023 The Linux Foundation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
# available under the terms of the Apache-2.0 license which accompanies this
# distribution, and is available at
"""Common helper functions."""

import re
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

import gerrit_to_platform.github as github
from gerrit_to_platform.config import (

[docs]def choose_dispatch(platform: Platform) -> Union[Callable, None]: """ Choose platform job dispatcher. Args: platform (Platform): the platform that the dispatch is being looked up for Returns: Callable: The appropriate callable matching the dispatch_worfklow call signature for the platform None: If no dispatch_workflow is defined for the platform passed in a None is returned """ if platform.value == "github": return github.dispatch_workflow return None
[docs]def choose_filter_workflows(platform: Platform) -> Union[Callable, None]: """ Choose platform workflow filter. Args: platform (Platform): the platform that the filter_workflows is being looked up for Returns: Callable: The appropriate callable matching the filter_workflows call signature for the platform None: If no filter_workflows is defined for the platform passed in a None is returned """ if platform.value == "github": return github.filter_workflows return None
[docs]def convert_repo_name( remotes: ReplicationRemotes, platform: Platform, remote: str, repository: str ) -> str: """ Convert the repository name based on the remotenamestyle of the target platform/owner. Args: remotes (ReplicationRemotes): object containing the defined remotes styles platform (Platform): what platform is the conversion happening against remote (str): The specific remote that is being worked on repository (str): The repository name that needs conversion Returns: str: The repository name converted to the appropriate flattening for the target remote """ remote_styles = { "dash": "-", "underscore": "_", "slash": "/", } target_style = remotes[platform.value][remote]["remotenamestyle"] converted_repository = repository.replace("/", remote_styles[target_style]) return converted_repository
[docs]def find_and_dispatch(project: str, workflow_filter: str, inputs: Dict[str, str]): """ Find relevant workflows and dispatch them. Args: project (str): the project repository name workflow_filter (str): the filter for the workflow names inputs (Dict[str, str]): key / value pair dictionary for inputs to be passed to the target workflow dispatch """ remotes = get_replication_remotes() for platform in Platform: if platform.value not in remotes: continue dispatcher = choose_dispatch(platform) filter_workflows = choose_filter_workflows(platform) if dispatcher is None or filter_workflows is None: continue for remote in remotes[platform.value]: owner = remotes[platform.value][remote]["owner"] repo = convert_repo_name(remotes, platform, remote, project) workflows = filter_workflows(owner, repo, workflow_filter) for workflow in workflows: print( f"Dispatching workflow '{workflow['name']}', " + f"id {workflow['id']} on " + f"{platform.value}:{owner}/{repo} for change " + f"{inputs['GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER']} patch " + inputs["GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER"] ) dispatcher( owner, repo, workflow["id"], f"refs/heads/{inputs['GERRIT_BRANCH']}", inputs, ) magic_repo = get_magic_repo(platform) if magic_repo: required_workflows = filter_workflows( owner, magic_repo, workflow_filter, True ) inputs["TARGET_REPO"] = f"{owner}/{repo}" for workflow in required_workflows: print( f"Dispatching required workflow '{workflow['name']}', " + f"id {workflow['id']} on " + f"{platform.value}:{owner}/{magic_repo} for change " + f"{inputs['GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER']} patch " + f"{inputs['GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER']} against " + f"{platform.value}:{owner}/{repo}" ) dispatcher( owner, magic_repo, workflow["id"], "refs/heads/main", inputs, )
[docs]def get_change_id(change: str) -> str: """ Get the Gerrit change_id from an hook event. Args: change (str): the change string passed to event handlers Returns: str: The extracted Gerrit change_id from the event hook """ change_id_regex = r".*~.*~(I.*)" return re.findall(change_id_regex, change)[0]
[docs]def get_change_number(change_url: str) -> str: """ Get the Gerrit change_number Args: change_url (str): the url to the specific change passed by the Gerrit event Returns: str: The change number as string extracted from the url """ change_number_regex = r"^.*/\+/(\d+)$" return re.findall(change_number_regex, change_url)[0]
[docs]def get_change_refspec(change_number: str, patchset: str) -> str: """ Return the change refspec from the change number (str) and patch number Args: change_number (str): The change number to work with patchset (str): The patchset number to work with Returns: str: The git refspec pointing to the hidden ref for the specific change and patchset """ if int(change_number) < 100: ref_shard = change_number.zfill(2) else: ref_shard = change_number[len(change_number) - 2 :] return f"refs/changes/{ref_shard}/{change_number}/{patchset}"
[docs]def get_magic_repo(platform: Platform) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the "magic" repo for a given Platform used to store organization wide required workflows Args: platform (Platform): Platform to lookup magic repo for Returns: Optional[str]: The magic repo name or None if not defined for the platform """ if platform == Platform.GITHUB: return ".github" return None