Python Jobs

Job Groups

Job groups are a great tool to configure categories of jobs together at the same time. Below the example are some starting point job-groups but we recommend creating your own to ensure that the jobs configured reflect the project’s needs.

An example project:

- job-group:
    name: odl-maven-jobs

      - gerrit-maven-clm
      - gerrit-maven-merge
      - gerrit-maven-release
      - gerrit-maven-verify
      - gerrit-maven-verify-dependencies:
          build-timeout: 180

    mvn-version: mvn35

- project:
    name: aaa
      - odl-maven-jobs

In this example we are using the job-group to assign a list of common jobs to the aaa project. The job-group also hardcodes mvn-version to mvn35 and build-timeout to 180 for all projects using this job-group.

A benefit of this method is for example disabling entire category of jobs by modifying the job-group, insert disable-job: true parameter against the jobs to disable.

Below is a list of Maven job groups:

- job-group:
    name: "{project-name}-python-jobs"

    # This job group contains all the recommended jobs that should be deployed
    # for any project ci that is using Gerrit.

      - gerrit-python-xc-clm
      - gerrit-tox-verify
      - gerrit-tox-merge

- job-group:
    name: "{project-name}-github-python-jobs"

    # This job group contains all the recommended jobs that should be deployed
    # for any project ci that is using GitHub.

      - github-python-xc-clm
      - github-tox-verify
      - github-tox-merge



Run CLM scanning against a Python project.

Required Parameters:
 Project name in Nexus IQ to send results to.


Install Tox into a virtualenv.

Required Parameters:
python-version:Version of Python to install into the Tox virtualenv. Eg. python2 / python3


Runs a shell script that installs tox in a Python virtualenv.

Required Parameters:
python-version:Base Python version to use in the virtualenv. For example python2 or python3.

Job Templates

Python XC CLM

CLM scans for Python based repos. This job will call the Nexus IQ CLI directly to run the scans.

A new credential named “nexus-iq-xc-clm” needs to exist in the Jenkins credentials. The credential should contain the username and password to access Nexus IQ Server.

Template Names:
  • {project-name}-python-clm-{stream}
  • gerrit-python-xc-clm
  • github-python-xc-clm
Comment Trigger:


Required parameters:
build-node:The node to run build on.
 Credential to use for SSH. (Generally should get configured in defaults.yaml)
Optional parameters:
 Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7)
 Nexus IQ CLI package version to download and use. (default: 1.44.0-01)
 Insert a namespace to project AppID for projects that share a Nexus IQ system to avoid project name collision. We recommend inserting a trailing - dash if using this parameter. For example ‘odl-‘. (default: ‘’)
build-timeout:Timeout in minutes before aborting build. (default: 60)
git-url:URL clone project from. (default: $GIT_URL/$PROJECT)
java-version:Version of Java to use for the build. (default: openjdk8)
 Shell script to execute before the CLM builder. For example, install prerequisites or move files to the repo root. (default: a string with a shell comment)
stream:Keyword used to represent a release code-name. Often the same as the branch. (default: master)
 Whether to checkout submodules recursively. (default: true)
 Timeout (in minutes) for checkout operation. (default: 10)
 Disable submodule checkout operation. (default: false)
 Override Gerrit Triggers.
 Override file paths which used to filter which file modifications will trigger a build. Refer to JJB documentation for “file-path” details.

Python Sonar with Tox

Sonar scans for Python based repos. This job invokes tox to run tests and gather coverage statistics from the test results, then invokes Maven to publish the results to a Sonar server.

To get the Sonar coverage results, file tox.ini must exist and contain coverage commands to run.

The coverage commands define the code that gets executed by the test suites. Checking coverage does not guarantee that the tests execute properly, but it identifies code that is not executed by any test.

This job reuses the Sonar builder used in Java/Maven projects which runs maven twice. The first invocation does nothing for Python projects, so the job uses the goal ‘validate’ by default. The second invocation publishes results using the goal ‘sonar:sonar’ by default.

For example:

commands =
        coverage run --module pytest --junitxml xunit-results.xml
        coverage xml --omit=".tox/py27/*","tests/*"
        coverage report --omit=".tox/py27/*","tests/*"

For more details refer to coverage and sonar documentation:

Template Names:
  • {project-name}-tox-sonar
  • gerrit-tox-sonar
  • github-tox-sonar
Comment Trigger:


Required parameters:
build-node:The node to run build on.
 Credential to use for SSH. (Generally should get configured in defaults.yaml)
mvn-settings:The name of the settings file with credentials for the project.
Optional parameters:
branch:Git branch, should be master (default: master)
 Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7)
build-timeout:Timeout in minutes before aborting build. (default: 60)
cron:Cron schedule when to trigger the job. This parameter also supports multiline input via YAML pipe | character in cases where one may want to provide more than 1 cron timer. (default: H 11 * * * to run once a day)
disable-job:Whether to disable the job (default: false)
git-url:URL clone project from. (default: $GIT_URL/$PROJECT)
github-url:URL for Github. (default:
java-version:Version of Java to use for the build. (default: openjdk8)
 The name of the Maven global settings to use for
mvn-goals:The Maven goal to run first. (default: validate)
mvn-version:Version of maven to use. (default: mvn35)
 Shell script to execute before the Sonar builder. For example, install prerequisites or move files to the repo root. (default: a string with a comment)
python-version:Python version (default: python2)
sonar-mvn-goal:The Maven goal to run the Sonar plugin. (default: sonar:sonar)
stream:Keyword used to represent a release code-name. Often the same as the branch. (default: master)
 Whether to checkout submodules recursively. (default: true)
 Timeout (in minutes) for checkout operation. (default: 10)
 Disable submodule checkout operation. (default: false)
 Override Gerrit Triggers.
 Override file paths which used to filter which file modifications will trigger a build. Refer to JJB documentation for “file-path” details.

Tox Verify

Tox runner to verify a project on creation of a patch set. This job is pyenv aware so if the image contains an installation of pyenv at /opt/pyenv it will pick it up and run Python tests with the appropriate Python versions. This job will set the following pyenv variables before running.

export PYENV_ROOT="/opt/pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
Template Names:
  • {project-name}-tox-verify-{stream}
  • gerrit-tox-verify
  • github-tox-verify
Comment Trigger:


Required Parameters:
build-node:The node to run build on.
 Credential to use for SSH. (Generally set in defaults.yaml)
Optional Parameters:
branch:The branch to build against. (default: master)
 Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7)
build-timeout:Timeout in minutes before aborting build. (default: 10)
git-url:URL clone project from. (default: $GIT_URL/$PROJECT)
 Shell script to execute before the Tox builder. For example, install prerequisites or move files to the repo root. (default: a string with a shell comment)
python-version:Version of Python to configure as a base in virtualenv. (default: python3)
stream:Keyword representing a release code-name. Often the same as the branch. (default: master)
 Whether to checkout submodules recursively. (default: true)
 Timeout (in minutes) for checkout operation. (default: 10)
 Disable submodule checkout operation. (default: false)
tox-dir:Directory containing the project’s tox.ini relative to the workspace. Empty works if tox.ini is at project root. (default: ‘’)
tox-envs:Tox environments to run. If blank run everything described in tox.ini. (default: ‘’)
 Override file paths used to filter which file modifications will trigger a build. Refer to JJB documentation for “file-path” details.

Tox Merge

Tox runner to verify a project after merge of a patch set. This job is pyenv aware so if the image contains an installation of pyenv at /opt/pyenv it will pick it up and run Python tests with the appropriate Python versions. This job will set the following pyenv variables before running.

export PYENV_ROOT="/opt/pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
Template Names:
  • {project-name}-tox-merge-{stream}
  • gerrit-tox-merge
  • github-tox-merge
Comment Trigger:


Required Parameters:
build-node:The node to run build on.
 Credential to use for SSH. (Generally set in defaults.yaml)
Optional Parameters:
branch:The branch to build against. (default: master)
 Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7)
build-timeout:Timeout in minutes before aborting build. (default: 10)
git-url:URL clone project from. (default: $GIT_URL/$PROJECT)
 Shell script to execute before the CLM builder. For example, install prerequisites or move files to the repo root. (default: a string with only a comment)
python-version:Version of Python to configure as a base in virtualenv. (default: python3)
stream:Keyword representing a release code-name. Often the same as the branch. (default: master)
 Whether to checkout submodules recursively. (default: true)
 Timeout (in minutes) for checkout operation. (default: 10)
 Disable submodule checkout operation. (default: false)
tox-dir:Directory containing the project’s tox.ini relative to the workspace. Empty works if tox.ini is at project root. (default: ‘’)
tox-envs:Tox environments to run. If blank run everything described in tox.ini. (default: ‘’)
 Override file paths used to filter which file modifications will trigger a build. Refer to JJB documentation for “file-path” details.