NodeJS Jobs

Job Groups

Job groups are a great tool to configure categories of jobs together at the same time. Below the example are some starting point job-groups but we recommend creating your own to ensure that the jobs configured reflect the project’s needs.

An example project:

- job-group:
    name: odl-maven-jobs

      - gerrit-maven-clm
      - gerrit-maven-merge
      - gerrit-maven-release
      - gerrit-maven-verify
      - gerrit-maven-verify-dependencies:
          build-timeout: 180

    mvn-version: mvn35

- project:
    name: aaa
      - odl-maven-jobs

In this example we are using the job-group to assign a list of common jobs to the aaa project. The job-group also hardcodes mvn-version to mvn35 and build-timeout to 180 for all projects using this job-group.

A benefit of this method is for example disabling entire category of jobs by modifying the job-group, insert disable-job: true parameter against the jobs to disable.

Below is a list of Node job groups:

- job-group:
    name: "{project-name}-github-node-jobs"

    # Job group containing recommended jobs to deploy for a Node Project.

    node-version: 6.11.4

      - github-node-verify

- job-group:
    name: "{project-name}-node-jobs"

    # Job group containing recommended jobs to deploy for a Node Project.

    node-version: 6.11.4

      - gerrit-node-verify

Job Templates

Node Verify

Verify job for NodeJS projects

Template Names:
  • {project-name}-node-verify-{stream}
  • gerrit-node-verify
  • github-node-verify
Comment Trigger:


Required parameters:
build-node:The node to run build on.
 Credential to use for SSH. (Generally set in defaults.yaml)
node-version:Version of NodeJS to install. Default defined in job-group.
Optional parameters:
branch:The branch to build against. (default: master)
 Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7)
build-timeout:Timeout in minutes before aborting build. (default: 10)
git-url:URL clone project from. (default: $GIT_URL/$PROJECT)
node-dir:Path to a NodeJS project to run node test against (default: ‘’)
stream:Keyword representing a release code-name. Often the same as the branch. (default: master)
 Whether to checkout submodules recursively. (default: true)
 Timeout (in minutes) for checkout operation. (default: 10)
 Disable submodule checkout operation. (default: false)
 Override Gerrit Triggers.
 Override file paths filter which checks which file modifications will trigger a build.