.. _lf-global-jjb-release: ####################### Self Serve Release Jobs ####################### Self serve release jobs allow a project to create a releases directory and then place a release file in it. Jenkins will pick this up and then promote the artifact from the staging log directory (log_dir) and tag the release with the defined version. maven_central_url is optional .. note:: Example of a maven release file: .. code-block:: bash $ cat releases/maven-1.0.0.yaml --- distribution_type: 'maven' version: '1.0.0' project: 'example-project' log_dir: 'example-project-maven-stage-master/17/' Example of a container release file: .. code-block:: bash $ cat releases/container-1.0.0.yaml --- distribution_type: 'container' version: '1.0.0' project: 'example-project' log_dir: 'example-project-maven-docker-stage-master/17/' .. note:: Job should be appended under gerrit-maven-stage Example of a terse Jenkins job to call global-jjb macro: .. code-block:: none - gerrit-maven-stage: sign-artifacts: true build-node: centos7-docker-8c-8g maven-versions-plugin: true - '{project-name}-gerrit-release-jobs': build-node: centos7-docker-8c-8g .. note:: Release Engineers Please follow the setup guide before adding the job definition: Setup for LFID Nexus Jenkins and Gerrit: ======================================== LFID ==== Create an ``lfid`` and an ``ssh-key`` ``YOUR_RELEASE_USERNAME`` for example: onap-release ``YOUR_RELEASE_EMAIL`` for example: collab-it+onap-release@linuxfoundation.org ssh-key example: .. code-block:: bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "collab-it+odl-release@linuxfoundation.org" -f /tmp/odl-release `Create an LFID with the above values `_ Nexus ===== Create a Nexus account called ``'jenkins-release'`` with promote privileges. .. image:: ../_static/nexus-promote-privs.png Gerrit ====== Log into your Gerrit with ``YOU_RELEASE_USERNAME``, upload the publick part of the ``ssh-key`` you created earlier. Log out of Gerrit and log in again with your normal account for the next steps. In Gerrit create a new group called ``self-serve-release`` and give it direct push rights via ``All-Projects`` Add ``YOUR_RELEASE_USERNAME`` to group ``self-serve-release`` and group ``Non-Interactive Users`` In All project, grant group self-serve-release the following: .. code-block:: none [access "refs/heads/*"] push = group self-serve-release [access "refs/tags/*"] createTag = group self-serve-release createSignedTag = group self-serve-release forgeCommitter = group self-serve-release push = group self-serve-release Jenkins ======= Add a global credential to Jenkins called ``jenkins-release`` and set the ID: ``'jenkins-release'`` as its value insert the private portion of the ``ssh-key`` that you created for your Gerrit user. Add Global vars in Jenkins: Jenkins configure -> Global properties -> Environment variables ``RELEASE_USERNAME = YOUR_RELEASE_USERNAME`` ``RELEASE_EMAIL = YOUR_RELEASE_EMAIL`` Jenkins configure -> Managed Files -> Add a New Config -> Custom File id: signing-pubkey Name: SIGNING_PUBKEY (optional) Comment: SIGNING_PUBKEY (optional) Content: (Ask Andy for the public signing key) -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Add or edit the managed file in Jenkins called ``lftoolsini``, appending a nexus section: Jenkins Settings -> Managed files -> Add (or edit) -> Custom file .. code-block:: none [nexus.example.com] username=jenkins-release password= Ci-management ============= Upgrade your projects global-jjb if needed add this to your global defaults file (eg: jjb/defaults.yaml). .. code-block:: bash jenkins-ssh-release-credential: 'jenkins-release' Macros ====== lf-release ---------- Release verify and merge jobs are the same except for their scm, trigger, and builders definition. This anchor is the common template. Job Templates ============= Release Merge ------------- Runs: - sigul-install - sigul-configuration - checkout ref from taglist.log - applies the $PROJECT.bundle - signs, tags and pushes .. code-block:: bash lftools nexus release --server $NEXUS_URL $STAGING_REPO :Template Name: - {project-name}-release-merge-{stream} :Comment Trigger: remerge :Required parameters: :build-node: The node to run build on. :jenkins-ssh-release-credential: Credential to use for SSH. (Generally set in defaults.yaml) :stream: run this job against: ** :Optional parameters: :branch: Git branch to fetch for the build. (default: all) :build-days-to-keep: Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7) :build-timeout: Timeout in minutes before aborting build. (default: 15) :project-pattern: Project to trigger build against. (default: \*\*) :gerrit_merge_triggers: Override Gerrit Triggers. :gerrit_trigger_file_paths: Override file paths filter which checks which file modifications will trigger a build. **default**:: - compare-type: ANT pattern: 'releases/*.yaml' Release Verify ------------------ Release verify job checks the schema and ensures that the staging-repo.txt.gz is available on the job. - sigul-install - sigul-configuration - checkout ref from taglist.log - applies the $PROJECT.bundle - signs and shows signature :Template Names: - {project-name}-release-verify-{stream} :Comment Trigger: recheck|reverify :Required Parameters: :build-node: The node to run build on. :jenkins-ssh-credential: Credential to use for SSH. (Generally set in defaults.yaml) :stream: run this job against: ** :Optional Parameters: :branch: Git branch to fetch for the build. (default: all) :build-days-to-keep: Days to keep build logs in Jenkins. (default: 7) :build-node: The node to run build on. :build-timeout: Timeout in minutes before aborting build. (default: 15) :doc-dir: Directory where tox will place built docs. as defined in the tox.ini (default: docs/_build/html) :gerrit-skip-vote: Skip voting for this job. (default: false) :git-url: URL clone project from. (default: $GIT_URL/$PROJECT) :project-pattern: Project to trigger build against. (default: \*\*) :gerrit_verify_triggers: Override Gerrit Triggers. :gerrit_trigger_file_paths: Override file paths filter which checks which file modifications will trigger a build. **default**:: - compare-type: ANT pattern: 'releases/*.yaml'